Investing in the Future of SAKLC by installing a first-class, versatile organ which will serve us all through the year in supporting our service music and accompanying our ensembles.
It will bring national and international attention to our St Armands Key Lutheran Church and encourage organists from the around the country to come and play & concertize on our instrument.
Installing an instrument with a 100+ year lifespan makes a clear statement that we believe SAKLC will be a strong, uplifting presence in our community for many that long!
Schantz Pipe Organ
St. Armands Key Lutheran Church has been a bright light in our community for over 55 years. We are a place for meaningful worship, impactful community service, engaging educational opportunities, and inspiring music! We are excited about the installation of a custom-built pipe organ in our church Sanctuary - a musical legacy experienced by worshipers each week in-person & online, and by visitors and guests who attend programs sponsored by our Music Ministry. This new instrument will make music for generations to come!
WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. We are seeking to raise $1.5 million for our Organ Project for the purchase of a world-class pipe organ and the creation of an Organ Reserve Fund to assure long-term support for the instrument's programming and maintenance. Every gift is meaningful!

Before | After |

2' pipes | $50 each | 1 Rank of 61 pipes | $20,000 | |
4' pipes | $150 each | Organ Chimes | $30,000 | |
8' pipes | $400 each | Keyboard Console | $100,000 | |
16' pipes | $600 each | Endowed Annual Scholarship Awards* | $20,000, $30,000 & $40,000 | |
Other Contribution Amount | Every gift is meaningful! | Endowed Annual Master Artist Recital* | $250,000 (Suggested) |
2' pipes | $50 each |
4' pipes | $150 each |
8' pipes | $400 each |
16' pipes | $600 each |
Other Contribution Amount | Every gift is meaningful! |
1 Rank of 61 pipes | $20,000 |
Organ Chimes | $30,000 |
Keyboard Console | $100,000 |
Endowed Annual Scholarship Awards* | $20,000, $30,000 & $40,000 |
Endowed Annual Master Artist Recital* | $250,000 (Suggested) |
*Annual Scholarships & Recital may be named to the donor’s wishes.
Donor names & dedications for major gifts will be acknowledged on a special plaque affixed to the instrument.
Additional gifts will be acknowledged by names & dedications included in a special tribute book kept in the SAKLC Archives and made permanently available electronically.

Send your check to our office::
St. Armands Key Lutheran Church
Attn: “Organ Project”
40 North Adams Drive
Sarasota, FL 34236
Checks may be made payable to St.
Armands Key Lutheran Church.
Please put
“Organ Project” in the memo line.
... or call for other donation options (941) 338-1234
Below are examples of the arrangement of pipes/windchests in a mechanical action organ and an electric action organ. ( diagrams of the “Cross Section of an Encased Organ”). The configuration and arrangement may vary from builder to builder but the space necessary for the instrument is somewhat universal.
There are three basic styles of pipe in an organ.
Principal: Also known as diapasons, these are traditionally-shaped metal pipes on the outside of an organ case – they provide the basic church organ ‘sound’.
Flute: Wooden pipes with various names, including bourdon, claribel, Rohrflöte and, of course, flute. A soft, mellow, rounded tone.
Reed: From posaunes in the pedals to oboes on the swell organ (see manuals), reed pipes incorporate a vibrating brass tongue, as opposed to flue pipes with no moving parts (see principal and flute).