St. Armands Key Lutheran Church is nearly 60 years young in history, but already rich in heritage. Our ministry began as a Mission Church with seven interested couples and vacationers on Lido Beach. Dr. Hermann Siefkes was invited to minister to the Mission during the winter months of 1966-67. Services were held in the Lido Beach Casino. Attendance at the first service was 34. It was known as Lido Key Lutheran Church. In November 1967, a parsonage at 504 Boulevard of the Presidents was purchased for the Siefkes, that also served as an office for church administration.

St. Armands Key Lutheran Church was organized on Palm Sunday, April 7, 1968 at the Casino on Lido Beach. Dr. Gordon Huffman of the ALC officiated at the installation of Dr. Siefkes and the first Church Council. The text of his sermon was “Ye are the Light of the World” . Sixty-two (62) members were received. Attendance was 143.

North Adams Drive would be the site for a new church building. The Blix family donated two lots on Ringling Boulevard and additional lots were purchased on Adams Drive. Plans for the church were approved and a groundbreaking service was held on August 4, 1968. Dedication of the new church was held on February 2, 1969 with 407 in attendance.

Lido Beach Casino
Lido Beach Casino
Sarasota Original Newspaper 12-3-1967
Original Newspaper 12-3-1967

Pastor Siefkes retired in April 1969 and The Reverend Paul Disbro was installed as Pastor on November 2, 1969 and served through 1972. In 1973, The Reverend Jul Quello assumed leadership of a growing, vibrant church. The congregation purchased two lots on Ringling Boulevard extending our property to Washington Drive. Promissory notes were issued to members and the response was amazing. Not only was the building debt repaid, but also enough additional funds were received to enlarge the Sanctuary, add Ogram Fellowship Hall, and redecorate the interior and exterior of the church. Dedication of the renovation was held on February 25, 1976. From this date, we have been known as the “Church of the Lighted Cross”.

In June 1980, Pastor Quello resigned, and The Reverend William Nies was installed as Pastor on December 7, 1980. In 1988 the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) was formed. Under Pastor Nies’ able leadership, a major renovation/expansion building program was launched which included an enlarged sacristy, choir loft, music room, 63 Rank Allen organ, educational building, and Columbarium/Memorial Chapel.

Pastor Nies retired in April 1990, having served the congregation for 10 years and having completed 40 years of ministry.

SAKLC Ground Braking - Aug 1968 Sarasota
Ground Braking - Aug 1968
SAKLC Corner Stone 1968 - Sarasota, FL
Corner Stone 1968

On December 30, 1990, The Reverend Robert Zimmer was installed as Pastor. Through his leadership, Promissory Notes on church property were​ retired, the Washington Drive conference/guest house was purchased, and a contemporary worship service was formed.

On March 22, 1998, a worship celebration was held for the groundbreaking of a new sanctuary. Dedication of the new church facility was held on March 21, 1999.
Pastor Zimmer retired on June 30, 1999 and The Reverend Eric P. Wogen began his ministry at SAKLC on April 9, 2000 and was installed on July 9, 2000.

Under Pastor Wogen ’s leadership, a Meditation Garden was developed on the empty lots east of the sanctuary. A Health Ministry was formed, and a Parish Nurse position was established.The congregation grew in membership and as a part of the 40th Anniversary celebration an Outreach Ministry partnership in the Newtown area was established. The neon cross on the steeple was lit again, and a new (Diane Bish Signature Series) Allen Renaissance Quantum Organ was installed. The windblown pipes and festival trumpets were added in 2008.

Pastor Wogen retired on June 30, 2008 after serving the congregation for 8 years and having completed over 40 years in the ministry.

Steeple installation - Lutheran Church sarasota
Steeple installation
SAKLC Steeple installation Sarasota
Steeple installation

The Reverend Mark A. Bernthal began his ministry at SAKLC on September 1, 2009 and was installed as pastor at SAKLC on October 18, 2009.

On December 8, 2011, the Church Council voted to approve a call for an intern from Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia, SC for a period of one year.

Seminarian Student, Ms. Marilyn Beyer, began her role as SAKLC’s first Vicar on Sunday, July 1, 2012.

SAKLC Original Church Building Sarasota
Original Church Building

Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary student, Aretha Ernst, from Suriname, shared a six-month internship between Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Venice and SAKLC. Her role of Seminarian began at SAKLC on September 1, 2012.

Our second Seminary Student, Vicar James Henricks, began his pastoral internship at SAKLC on July 8, 2013.

On Sunday, August 17, 2014, SAKLC welcomed Seminarian Student, Drew Ingram, our third pastoral intern, and his wife Leigh.

Seminarian Student, Kyle Bates, began his role as SAKLC’s fourth Vicar on August 17, 2015. Kyle’s wife, Andrea, also a Seminarian Student at Lenoir Rhyne/Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, served as the first pastoral intern at Faith Lutheran Church, our sister church in south Sarasota.

In June 2016, Pastor Mark Bernthal notified the congregation that he had accepted a call to join a staff ministry team at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Vero Beach, Florida.

Under Pastor Mark ’s leadership, God’s table is set, and the Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday at both worship services. SAKLC teamed with our sister congregations of the Mid Gulf Conference to do a “Luther Build” with Habitat for Humanity, and in 2015, a major facility restoration/renovation project was completed that included new roofing and flooring, new storage closets in Fellowship Hall, along with many other improvements. The Foundation established a second fund in the congregation’s endowment for donors to give perpetual offerings to the church. We were privileged to witness Pastor Bernthal’s commitment to the church-wide Fund for Leaders, which provides for Seminarians of the future, through the Vicar program he initiated at SAKLC.

fellowship hall sanctuary_7
Fellowship Hall Sanctuary

Sunday, June 26, 2016, was Pastor Mark Bernthal’s last Sunday at SAKLC. A celebration to honor Pastor Bernthal’s ministry and the gifts he brought to SAKLC during his seven-year tenure was held immediately following worship.

On July 9, 2017 the congregation voted to extend the call to serve as Pastor of St. Armands Key Lutheran Church to The Rev. Dr. Kenneth C. Blyth. A service of Holy Communion and the Order of Installation of Pastor Blyth was originally scheduled for Sunday, September 10, 2017; however, all services, including the regular morning service, were cancelled that day due to the arrival of Hurricane Irma. The Rev. Dr. Kenneth C. Blyth was installed as pastor at SAKLC on November 5, 2017.

SAKLC Ogram Hall Sarasota
Ogram Hall
Dedication of our Church Sign
Dedication of our Church Sign
Dec. 3. 1995

Under Pr. Ken ’s leadership the congregation embarked on discerning a new Mission Statement and Ministry Plan. Using the materials and outcomes of conversations that were held during the interim and following up with an off-
site retreat, new initiatives were identified and a refreshed ministry organization was introduced.

In March 2018 the congregation held a special meeting to extend a call to serve as Deacon at St Armands Key Lutheran Church to Kimberly Heindl. Kimberly began ministry in 2017 under contract during the time of interim. On April 15 she was installed for the ministry of Word and Service. Dcn. Kim’s call ended on July 14, 2019 with a Sending Service.

On September 1, 2018, Michael Bodnyk became SAKLC’s first full-time Minister of Music, assuming responsibility for a new and exciting approach to music at SAKLC – both in worship and in concerts, and musical outreach to the community.

In March 2018 the congregation held a special meeting to extend a call to serve as Deacon at St Armands Key Lutheran Church to Kimberly Heindl. Kimberly began ministry in 2017 under contract during the time of interim. On April 15 she was installed for the ministry of Word and Service. Dcn. Kim’s call ended on July 14, 2019 with a Sending Service.From March 13th through Pentecost, in-person worship and in-person meetings at SAKLC were cancelled, due to the world-wide Covid-19 pandemic. From Pentecost onwards, in-person worship resumed, with attendees wearing face masks, and observing social distancing. In-person activities, gatherings and meetings resumed slowly over several months.

SAKLC Historic Newspaper
Historic Newspaper
Church on the Circle
Church on the Circle -
St Armands Key Lutheran Church

Worship services and meetings were held via Zoom videoconferencing, as were some fellowship events, funerals, and classes.

Our congregation is blessed by many people with open hearts and willing hands to do the work God has called this community to.

Our Pilgrimage of Faith keeps going and growing as we lift high our Lighted Cross and commit ourselves to St. Armands Key Lutheran Church’ s Mission

Historical Artwork at SAKLC

Grounded in Christ &
Building Relationships &
Transforming Lives

Within our Walls and Beyond