Are you looking for tech training to help you access our online worship services, events, and resources? Print copies of Training to Go tutorials are now available in the narthex by the hallway entrance! This training is in response to the AV Tech Task Force’s study and survey findings on the training needs of the SAKLC congregants. Training to Go is the first initiative of our new technology training program addressing these needs. It is a series of short, self-paced tutorials with clear, step-by-step directions and illustrations, designed with our technology beginners in mind. These tutorials focus on the skills and strategies needed to access church information and participate in online worship services and events. The current titles are as follows.
- Tutorial 1: Using QR Codes to Access Online Information
- Tutorial 2: Accessing Live Worship Services Using the SAKLC Website
- Tutorial 3: Accessing Live Worship Services Using Social Media
- Tutorial 4: Accessing Past Worship Services and Events
- Tutorial 5: Using Zoom as a Participant (available in the fall)
Other training opportunities will follow based on newly introduced technologies and the congregants’ needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ladd Skelly at techtraining@saklc.com.