The Foundation’s missional roles are to receive and manage donated funds for use in its mission of proclaiming and extending the reach of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to distribute funds through grants to or for the benefit of St Armands Key Lutheran Church and to other qualifying non-profit organizations on behalf of the Church, to address humanitarian needs and promote religious purposes.
In accomplishing its missional roles, the Foundation strives to respond to the present needs of the Church and the community in its grant making, enabled by the proceeds of its aggregate d and invested endowment funds.
The work of the Foundation is ONLY POSSIBLE with the continuing support of the congregation members and friends. We take this opportunity to thank and applaud all who have supported the Foundation with their gifts and encourage future gift and legacy consideration. THANK YOU!

The link below will take you to the page where you can make a donation now.
If you would like more details regarding the fund distributions, please click here.